Friday, June 27, 2014

Ikea Hack Bowl Using Wood Icing® + Tape

Sharing another post from Debbie Dion Hayes of

{Although this post is sponsored by Wood Icing™, the idea and comments are my own.}

Red bowl using Wood Icing

This is a post about an Ikea bowl and a roll of thin tape that have lived in my trove of goodies waiting for
hackinginspiration. The bowl is destined to hold some of my favorite things – yes, simple pine cones from my mother-in-law’s back yard. And tiny books I inherited from my French Canadian grandfather. Around our home, bowls are meant for filling with treasures!

Red bowl using Wood Icing™

Do you love it? Are you dying to get into some Wood Icing™ products like me? So fun and simple.
• From or local retailers: Textura Paste, Furniture Glazing Color in Tomato and Tree Bark, Poly Acrylic Top Coat Dull, off-set knife, Emperor’s Silk Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan
• Paint brushes, rags, thin painter’s tape, 220-grit sandpaper, stir sticks

Wood Icing™ red bowl project

Paint the bowl completely using two coats of Emperor’s Silk Chalk Paint® and let dry.
Creatively add tape to the surface in any design that you like. Burnish the tape down well. Be sure to add about 2″ to turn under on the ends. They will help to peel the tape off later.
Using the off-set knife, “butter” the Textura Paste onto the surface. It’s just like frosting a cake! Let dry until the paste is slightly damp, then peel off the tape. Let dry overnight.

Red bowl Wood Icing™ project

Sand lightly.
Brush on Tomato Glazing color. I use three coats, letting dry in between. It dries quickly. Four the fourth coat, I added one coat of Tree Bark as a toner. Let dry completely.
Wood Icing™ products can be used for furniture, crafts, cabinets and walls. They are non-toxic and can be wiped lightly with a damp cloth. Do not use a project like this with food.

Wood Icing™ red bowl project 

Wood Icing™ Ikea red bowl project

Have you been inspired to play with Wood Icing™? Let us hear from you!

{Disclosure: This is a paid featured post in conjunction with Wood Icing™. All opinions, projects, and ideas are based on my own experience.}